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My De'Lish Wish

Once upon a time in a small sewing room in coastal Vic, Australia ….

My name is Shan and I am the owner and maker of handmade, bespoke, heirloom hobby horses, De’Lish dragons, unicorns and all manner of amazing creations!

My urge to make was born out of a desire for my child to grow up in a world where he has a chance to develop his imagination through the art of PLAY! I worry that in this world of gadgets and wifi and tech that kids will forget how to create and imagine and tell stories.

My De’Lish Wish!
She is beautiful, whimsical, fierce and pretty,
She is sneaky and cheeky and incredibly witty.
I hope she gets muddy and her ears get torn,
She might even get threadbare and tired and worn.
I hope she guards a castle, or she is magic with spells,
I hope she hears all the secrets a child has to tell.
It’s all consoles and gadgets in the world of today,
So I hope my creations inspire a child to PLAY!

